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Sure advice for childless people

After marriage, it is the desire of every man and woman that even a small baby in their house should blossom in the form of a flower in the garden of their household. It is the desire of a man that his family tree should develop in the form of that child and his name should continue from generation to generation, but in the absence of children, the happiness of the house turns into discord and unrest. Many innocent people are hypocrites, sages, saints and talismans.

Sai Shakti Ayurveda

Tell your heart about your heart to  Sai Shakti Ayurveda by email or phone today or meet yourself. You will get valuable advice on the phone itself, if God wishes, you will be able to get a new life by following his advice. A life of despair, weakness and despair is also a life. God forbid if you have a physical disease or are deprived of the happiness of life due to weakness in sex, then understand that you are Sai Shakti Ayurveda.

Sai Shakti Ayurveda delhi contact​

Tell your heart about your heart to  Sai Shakti Ayurveda by email or phone today or meet yourself. You will get valuable advice on the phone itself, if God wishes, you will be able to get a new life by following his advice. A life of despair, weakness and despair is also a life. God forbid if you have a physical disease or are deprived of the happiness of life due to weakness in sex, then understand that you are  Sai Shakti Ayurveda.

woman's coldness

All the blame for the coldness of a woman should not be given to the man, because sometimes coldness in women occurs even before marriage, such as there is some error in the woman’s uterus and female sex organs, disorder of the secretory glands, weakness, blood disorders, of conception. There can be many such physical and mental reasons like fear, wrong attitude towards sex or the effect of painful intercourse. Which causes cooling. Therefore a wise man should

secret of successful life

Get up early in the morning and go for a walk every day, if possible, do some exercise. Eat light, balanced and quickly digestible food. Take food at night 2-3 hours before sleeping. Don’t be constipated. Do not masturbate, do not read dirty novels and pornography, start thoughts of the mind (read good literature whenever bad thoughts come in your mind, remember your Lord. Make sure to pass urine before sleeping and whenever at night)

Gynecological infertility

In this condition, the male is capable of producing offspring and sperms are also found in them in normal condition. But his wife’s ability to conceive is reduced or terminated. Sometimes there is swelling in the woman’s uterus due to which pain in the tubes and poo remains, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular. Each woman has two oviducts along with the uterus, each of which contains the ovum to conceive after menstruation.

white leucorrhoea (lichorrhea)

This disease adversely affects the health of women. Normally wetness of the vagina is not a defect, but some women have so much discharge of fluid from the uterine membrane and vaginal tract that even the clothes inside wearing it get stains or spots. This discharge can be as thin as water or as thick as an egg yolk. When the libido of the woman increases and towards sex


The master has created man and woman for each other, but the body structure of both is different. Those who are only female in the female structure are called gynecological diseases. These diseases are also very painful. There is pain in the waist, body, the body remains tired, does not feel like working and the woman loses health and beauty before her age. look older than your age